The average 3rd grade student can read 60 words I 5 minutes. What is the average reading per rate?

Write an expressionto represent the problem.

Solve the problem

Is that 15 minutes?

Sorry it's 5 minutes

60 / 5 = _______ words per minute

To find the average reading rate per minute, we can divide the total number of words read by the total time spent reading.

In this case, the average 3rd grade student can read 60 words in 5 minutes.

To write an expression representing the problem, let's define:
w = total number of words read
t = total time spent reading (in minutes)

The average reading rate per minute can be calculated by the expression:
w / t

Now, substituting the given values, the expression becomes:
60 / 5

To solve this problem, we divide the numerator (total number of words read, 60) by the denominator (total time spent reading, 5):

60 / 5 = 12

Therefore, the average reading rate per minute is 12 words.