right without duties means anarchy.

I agree with that statement if you mean "rights."

This is a area of contention, it is based on social justice. You can google and find many articles on rights vs responsibilities,and they generally say yes, true.

However: consider dementia, infants, animals, and the mentally handicapped...do they not have rights just because they cannot exercise responsibility? Here is an interesting article on animals, but it can apply also to Humans...https://thinkingreed.wordpress.com/2007/03/31/no-rights-without-duties/

I understand that you are referring to the concept that without duties or responsibilities, a society could descend into anarchy. Anarchy is a state of disorder, lack of government, or absence of authority.

While it is true that a society without any duties or responsibilities could potentially result in chaos, it is important to recognize that duties and responsibilities play a significant role in maintaining order and social cohesion. Duties and responsibilities refer to the obligations and tasks that individuals have within a society, which can be legal, moral, or ethical in nature.

Here is an explanation of how duties and responsibilities contribute to preventing anarchy:

1. Social order: Duties and responsibilities provide a framework for maintaining social order. They establish rules, norms, and expectations that guide behavior and interactions between individuals. When everyone understands and fulfills their obligations, it promotes a sense of stability and predictability in society.

2. Rule of law: Duties and responsibilities are often enshrined in laws and regulations. The rule of law ensures that everyone is subject to a set of legal obligations and held accountable for their actions. Laws provide guidelines on how to coexist peacefully, resolve conflicts, and protect the rights and well-being of individuals.

3. Mutual trust and cooperation: By fulfilling our duties and responsibilities towards others, we build trust and foster cooperation within society. When individuals can rely on each other to fulfill their obligations, it strengthens social bonds and promotes a sense of collective responsibility.

4. Common welfare: Duties and responsibilities are often rooted in the concept of promoting the common welfare or the greater good. By recognizing and fulfilling our obligations towards others, we contribute to the well-being of the entire society. This helps ensure that resources and opportunities are distributed fairly and that everyone has a chance to thrive.

In summary, duties and responsibilities are essential for maintaining social order, upholding the rule of law, fostering mutual trust and cooperation, and promoting the common welfare. Without a system of duties and responsibilities, there is a risk of descending into chaos and anarchy.