I am having difficulty completing the following essay questions.....

Explain the purpose of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS and their effect on American founding documents.

What are standing committees in Congress? What duties and functions do they perform? Include examples from the textbook in your answer.

Why did the Framers of the Constitution create the legislative branch with the bicameral structure?

Explain the concept of judicial activism and how this philosophy interprets the Constitution.

How is the United States government based upon John Locke's idea of a social contract? Cite evidence from the First Amendment to support your answer.

go to brainly and youll find the answers

To answer your essay questions, we'll break down each question into smaller parts and explain how you can approach finding the answers. Let's start with the first question:

1. Explain the purpose of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS and their effect on American founding documents.

Begin by analyzing the question and identifying the key components:

- Effect on American founding documents

To tackle this question, you'll need to research and understand the purpose of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS and their influence on American founding documents. Start by reading the papers themselves to gain a comprehensive understanding of the arguments and ideas presented within.

Next, consider how THE FEDERALIST PAPERS influenced the drafting and ratification of key founding documents such as the Constitution. Look for connections between the ideas expressed in THE FEDERALIST PAPERS and the principles outlined in these documents. Consider important concepts like federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.

As you write your essay, structure it in a logical manner by presenting a brief overview of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, discussing their main ideas, and then exploring their impact on American founding documents. Make sure to include specific examples and evidence to support your analysis.

Now let's move on to the second question:

2. What are standing committees in Congress? What duties and functions do they perform? Include examples from the textbook in your answer.

To answer this question effectively, follow these steps:

- Start by defining standing committees in Congress. Research their purpose, composition, and how they are assigned.
- Identify the main duties and functions of standing committees. Focus on their role in considering and shaping legislation, conducting hearings and investigations, and overseeing specific policy areas.
- Look for examples from the textbook (or any relevant sources) that illustrate the duties and functions of specific standing committees. For instance, you can explore the role of the House Judiciary Committee in shaping and reviewing legislation related to the judiciary.

Use these examples to illustrate the practical application of standing committees' duties and functions. Make sure to cite specific excerpts, quotes, or references from the textbook or other reputable sources to support your claims.

Moving on to the third question:

3. Why did the Framers of the Constitution create the legislative branch with the bicameral structure?

To answer this question, follow these steps:

- Begin by understanding the context in which the Framers designed the Constitution. Familiarize yourself with the challenges faced by the Founding Fathers and the principles they aimed to incorporate.
- Research the reasons and arguments behind the creation of a bicameral legislative branch. Consider factors like balance of power, representation of states and population, and the importance of checks and balances.
- Explore the historical debates and discussions among the Framers regarding the structure of the legislative branch. Look for specific quotes or references from letters, notes, or other primary sources to support your analysis.

Organize your essay by explaining the challenges faced by the Framers, presenting the arguments for a bicameral legislature, and discussing how the bicameral structure contributes to checks and balances in the government. Supporting your points with evidence is crucial, so be sure to include specific examples from primary sources or reputable secondary sources.

Now let's move on to the fourth question:

4. Explain the concept of judicial activism and how this philosophy interprets the Constitution.

To answer this question, follow these steps:

- Begin by defining judicial activism and contrasting it with judicial restraint. Understand the basic principles and philosophies underlying both concepts.
- Research and comprehend specific examples where judicial activism has been observed. Look for cases where courts actively interpret the Constitution to address perceived injustices or social changes.
- Analyze the arguments and reasoning typically used by advocates of judicial activism. Discuss how they interpret the Constitution based on their understanding of its broad principles, societal evolution, or contemporary context.
- In contrast, explain the criticisms or counterarguments against judicial activism. Understand the concerns related to the potential overreach of unelected judges and the importance of textual interpretation.

As you write your essay, clearly define judicial activism, discuss its key characteristics, and provide specific examples of how it has been applied in relevant cases. Address the criticisms and counterarguments to create a balanced analysis. Make sure to cite specific examples and court cases to support your claims.

Finally, let's address the fifth question:

5. How is the United States government based upon John Locke's idea of a social contract? Cite evidence from the First Amendment to support your answer.

To answer this question, follow these steps:

- Begin by understanding the principles of John Locke's idea of a social contract. Familiarize yourself with his concept of individual rights, consent of the governed, and limited government.
- Research the structure and principles of the United States government, focusing on how they align with Locke's ideas. Analyze the political and philosophical influences on the Founding Fathers.
- Examine the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. Identify elements of Locke's social contract theory reflected in these rights.
- Discuss how the First Amendment protects individual rights, ensures government accountability, and reflects the consent of the governed. Link these concepts to Locke's theory of a social contract.

While writing your essay, clearly explain Locke's idea of a social contract, connect it to the structure and principles of the United States government, and provide specific evidence from the First Amendment to support your analysis. Cite the exact text of the First Amendment and discuss how it aligns with the key principles of Locke's theory.

Thanks Bobpursley.

A key is in the second question: "use examples from your textbook." Do what bobpursley suggests, and also reread your textbook, which also explains these concepts. Reread with these specific questions in mind.

Google the following terms:

purpose of Federalist papers
judicial activism and Constitution
John Locke's social contract and the First amendment
US Congress Standing committees

essay questions require thinking, and to do that, it requires research and absorbing.