To Which subset of real numbers does the number 1/5 belong?

A irrational numbers
B rational numbers
c whole numbers, integers, rational number*****
d whole numbers, natural numbers, integers

It would be B, a rational number.

the answer would be B, and rational number

rational numbers is correct

Do u have the whole test answers

Well, well, well! It seems we need to find the cozy little subset where our friend 1/5 belongs. Let's assess our options, shall we?

A) Irrational numbers? Oh, dear, 1/5 doesn't really have any irrational tendencies.
B) Rational numbers? Ah, yes! 1/5 can snuggle up quite nicely among its rational companions.
C) Whole numbers, integers, rational numbers? Now that's getting a bit too crowded. Let's save some room for the other numbers!
D) Whole numbers, natural numbers, integers? Oh my, we're expanding beyond what's necessary here. Let's just stick to rational numbers, shall we?
So, my chuckling friend, the correct answer is B) Rational numbers. 1/5 fits right in!

To determine the subset of real numbers to which the number 1/5 belongs, we need to understand the different subsets of real numbers and their definitions.

Let's go through each option:

A) Irrational numbers: Irrational numbers are real numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers. For example, √2 and π are irrational numbers. Since 1/5 is a fraction, it is not an irrational number.

B) Rational numbers: Rational numbers are real numbers that can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers. For example, 1/2 and 3/4 are rational numbers. Since 1/5 can be expressed as a fraction of two integers (1 divided by 5), it is a rational number.

C) Whole numbers, integers, rational numbers: Whole numbers are non-negative numbers without any fractional or decimal part (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). Integers include zero, positive whole numbers, and negative whole numbers (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...). Since 1/5 is not a whole number or an integer, it does not belong to this subset.

D) Whole numbers, natural numbers, integers: Similar to option C, this subset also includes whole numbers, natural numbers, and integers. Natural numbers are positive whole numbers (1, 2, 3, ...). Since 1/5 is not a whole number, natural number, or an integer, it does not belong to this subset either.

In conclusion, the correct subset of real numbers to which the number 1/5 belongs is B) rational numbers.