Jaine spent 2/5 of the money in his wallet on a sweat. After purchasing the sweater he had 25.32 leftover. What was the total amount he spent on the sweater?

3/5 M=25.32

M= 5/3 * 25.32

sweater= 2/5 *M=2/5*5/3*25.32
= 2/3 * 25.32

25.32= 3/5

25.32 divided by 3= 8.44

8.44 = 1/5

8.44 times 2= 16.88

2/5 = 16.88

Jaine spent 16.88 pounds on her sweater.

To find out the total amount Jaine spent on the sweater, we need to determine the fraction of money remaining in his wallet after the purchase.

Let's assume the total amount of money in Jaine's wallet initially was "x."

Jaine spent 2/5 of his money on the sweater. So, the amount he spent on the sweater can be calculated as (2/5) * x.

We are given that after purchasing the sweater, Jaine had $25.32 leftover. This means the remaining fraction of money in his wallet is (x - (2/5)x) = (3/5)x.

According to the given information, (3/5)x = 25.32.

To find the value of x, we can solve this equation:

(3/5)x = 25.32.
Multiply both sides by (5/3) to isolate x:
x = 25.32 * (5/3)

Now, we can substitute the value of x back into the equation (2/5) * x to find the amount Jaine spent on the sweater.

Amount spent on the sweater = (2/5) * x = (2/5) * (25.32 * (5/3))

By simplifying the expression above, we can find the total amount Jaine spent on the sweater.