On friday,a cold front came through the city at 8am that dropped the outside temperature at an average rate of 2 degrees every half hour. Which integer represents the change in temperature from 8am to 11am

Please post your choices and your answer.

To determine the change in temperature from 8 am to 11 am, we need to calculate the time difference and the corresponding temperature decrease.

First, let's calculate the time difference. From 8 am to 11 am, there are three hours. Since the temperature drops at an average rate of 2 degrees every half hour, there are six half-hour intervals within the three-hour period (3 hours * 2 half-hours per hour = 6 half-hours).

Next, let's calculate the temperature decrease. Within the six half-hour intervals, the temperature drops by 2 degrees per interval. Therefore, the total temperature decrease is 2 degrees * 6 intervals = 12 degrees.

Finally, since the temperature dropped, the change can be represented by a negative value. Thus, the integer that represents the change in temperature from 8 am to 11 am is -12.