which is a rule that describes the translation of a point form (4 -8) to (7 -10)?

(x,y) --> (x + 3, y - 2)
(x,y) --> (x + 3, y + 2)**
(x,y) --> (x - 3, y - 2)
(x,y) --> (x - 3, y + 2)

nope. -8-2 = -10

so... what's the answer?

Most likely A because 4+3=7 and (-8)-2=-10

if its wrong let me know

The correct rule that describes the translation of a point from (4, -8) to (7, -10) is (x, y) -> (x + 3, y + 2).

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break it down:

Translation involves moving a point from one place to another in a specific direction. In this case, we need to move the point (4, -8) to (7, -10).

To do this, we observe that the x-coordinate of the new point (7) is 3 units more than the x-coordinate of the original point (4). Therefore, we add 3 to the x-coordinate.

Similarly, the y-coordinate of the new point (-10) is 2 units less than the y-coordinate of the original point (-8). Therefore, we subtract 2 from the y-coordinate.

Combining these observations, we get the rule (x, y) -> (x + 3, y - 2), which correctly describes the translation of the point.