Write a translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D'(2,5).

I though it told you left, right, up or down, how do I figure this out?

The translation rule is

T(Δx,Δ)(x,y)->(x+Δx, y+Δy) .......... (1)

Now we need to find Δx and Δy.

We know that

Solve for Δx and Δy and substitute in the transformation rule (1)

To determine the translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D'(2,5), you need to find the horizontal (left or right) and vertical (up or down) shift between the two points.

Step 1: Find the horizontal shift
To calculate the horizontal shift, subtract the x-coordinate of point D'(2) from the x-coordinate of point D(7):
Horizontal shift = x-coordinate of D - x-coordinate of D'
= 7 - 2
= 5

Step 2: Find the vertical shift
To calculate the vertical shift, subtract the y-coordinate of point D'(5) from the y-coordinate of point D(-3):
Vertical shift = y-coordinate of D - y-coordinate of D'
= -3 - 5
= -8

Step 3: Write the translation rule
The translation rule is written as (horizontal shift, vertical shift). Therefore, the translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D'(2,5) is (5, -8).