If a person buy a book for ₹36 which is available on 40% discount off the original price what original price of book

36 = .6 p

p =36/.6 = 360/6 = 60



To find the original price of the book, we can use the formula:

Original Price = Discounted Price / (1 - Discount Rate)

In this case, the discounted price is ₹36 and the discount rate is 40%.

Step 1: Convert the discount rate to decimal form: 40% = 0.40
Step 2: Plug in the values into the formula:

Original Price = ₹36 / (1 - 0.40)

Step 3: Perform the calculations:

Original Price = ₹36 / 0.60

Original Price = ₹60

Therefore, the original price of the book is ₹60.