to make a mixture of 80 pounds of coffee worth $272 a grocer mixes coffee wortg $3.25 a pound with cofee worth $3.85 a pound.How many pounds of the cheaper coffee should grocer use........60lb

3.25x + 3.85(80-x) = 272.

3.25x - 3.85x + 308 = 272, X = ?.

To find how many pounds of the cheaper coffee the grocer should use, we can set up a system of equations. Let's represent the pounds of cheaper coffee as 'x'.

Since we are making a mixture of 80 pounds, the weight of the more expensive coffee would be (80 - x) pounds.

The total cost of the mixture can be calculated by multiplying the pounds of each type of coffee by their respective prices and summing them up:

3.25x + 3.85(80 - x) = 272

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of 'x', which represents the pounds of the cheaper coffee.

3.25x + 308 - 3.85x = 272

Let's combine like terms:

-0.60x + 308 = 272

Next, subtract 308 from both sides of the equation:

-0.60x = 272 - 308

-0.60x = -36

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by -0.60 to solve for 'x':

x = -36 / -0.60


x ≈ 60

So, the grocer should use approximately 60 pounds of the cheaper coffee.