If one of the angles of a triangle is 110 degree then the angle between the bisector of the other two angles is what ?

The sum of the other two angles is 180-110=70 °.

The sum of half of the other two angles is 70/2=35°.
Therefore the angle between the bisectors of the other two angles
= 180-35 = 145°.

The sum is 145 degrees

Thanks for the answer ...😊

I don't need to answer

To find the angle between the bisector of the other two angles, we first need to determine the measures of the other two angles in the triangle.

Since the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, we can subtract the known angle (110 degrees) from 180 to find the sum of the other two angles:

180 - 110 = 70 degrees

Now, let's call the other two angles of the triangle A and B. We know that the bisector of angle A divides it into two equal parts. Similarly, the bisector of angle B also divides it into two equal parts. Let's call the angle between the bisectors of angle A and angle B as C.

Now, we know that the sum of the angles A and B is 70 degrees. Since the bisectors divide each angle into two equal parts, each of the new angles created by the bisectors will have a measure of A/2 and B/2 (respectively).

Therefore, the sum of the four angles created by the bisectors will be:

A/2 + A/2 + B/2 + B/2 = (A + B)/2 + (A + B)/2 = (A + B)

Since the sum of these four angles must also equal 180 degrees, we have:

(A + B) = 180

Now, the angle C (which is the angle between the bisectors of angles A and B) can be found by subtracting the sum of angles A and B from 180 degrees:

C = 180 - (A + B)

Therefore, to find the angle between the bisector of the other two angles, subtract the sum of those angles from 180 degrees.

Thaxted planar u helped me a lot during my exam by solving such sums which I wasn't able to do now it seems to be quite easy sums

Thank you so much for the answer.

The sum of the other two angle is 180 -110 =70 degree

The sum of the half of the other two angle is 70/2=35 degree
Therefore the angle between the bisectors of the other two angle=180-35=140degree

Thnq very much 4 this ans...