In the spring, a group of biologists caught and tagged 500 wolves in a wilderness area. These animals were then released. A couple of months later, 200 wolves were caught and 75 of them had tags. Estimate the wolf population in this wilderness area.

Please check if my solution is correct:
75/200 is the percent of wolves caught that had tags;
Thanks in advance.

To estimate the wolf population in the wilderness area, you can use the method of setting up a proportion based on the tagged wolves. Here's how you can calculate the estimate:

First, determine the proportion of tagged wolves in the second catch. Divide the number of tagged wolves (75) by the total number of wolves caught in the second catch (200):

Proportion of tagged wolves = 75/200

Next, set up a proportion using this information and the total number of tagged wolves from the initial catch (500). Let N represent the estimated wolf population:

proportion of tagged wolves in second catch = proportion of tagged wolves in initial catch
(75/200) = (500/N)

Cross multiply to solve for N:

75N = 200 * 500
75N = 100,000

Now divide both sides of the equation by 75 to solve for N:

N = 100,000 / 75
N = 1333.33

So, the estimated wolf population in the wilderness area is approximately 1333.33.

Your solution is correct! Well done!