1. Can you finish the work by next Monday?

2. Can you finish the work till next Monday?

(Is #2 incorrect?)

3. Can you wait for me till/untill seven p.m.?

4. Can you wait for me by seven p.m.?
(Is #4 incorrect?)

Both 2 and 4 are incorrect.

I though number 1 but 2 may be correct

on the first one btw i agree with the second one

1. Both sentences #1 and #2 are correct, and they have the same meaning. They are asking if you are able to complete the work before next Monday.

To answer this question, you should assess your schedule and workload to determine if you can meet the deadline. Consider your other commitments and how much time you need to complete the work. If you have enough time, you can respond with a positive answer. For example, you can say, "Yes, I can finish the work by next Monday."

2. Sentence #2, "Can you finish the work till next Monday?" is technically incorrect. The word "till" is not used in this context to express a future time frame. Instead, you should use "by" to indicate completion before the specified time or date.

3. Sentence #3, "Can you wait for me till/untill seven p.m.?" is correct, except for the spelling of "until" which should have one "l." This question is asking if someone can wait for you until the specified time of seven p.m.

To answer this question, you need to assess your availability and schedule to determine if you can wait until seven p.m. If you can, you can respond positively. For example, you can say, "Yes, I can wait for you until seven p.m."

4. Sentence #4, "Can you wait for me by seven p.m.?" is technically incorrect. The word "by" indicates completion or arrival at a specified time, rather than waiting until that time. Instead, you should use "until" or "till" to express waiting until that time.

To answer this question, you should determine if you can wait until the specified time of seven p.m. If you can, you can respond positively. For example, you can say, "Yes, I can wait for you until seven p.m."