leslie decides to join a gym . she must pay a monthly fee plus a one -time fee to open a membership. This situation can be modeled by the expression 55x + 80 . explain how each number and letter in the expression relates to the problem .

80 = one time fee

x = number of months

55 = fee per month

@PsyDAG is correct at least I think they are true it sounds correct


so just put 80 is the one time fee, x is the number of month, and 55 is the fee per month? Or put something else. i dont know what the question is asking

Thanks, did not understand on what to do. But now that i have the formula it will be easier to solve the problem


literal answer

i promise i got 100 55 is monthly fee x is how many months 80 is one time fee so hope this helps

ty I guess ;-;

Wait is that a hint/formula or the literal answer? ?-?