what fabric is a good heat conductor?

or what material other than metals are good heat conductors?


A good heat conductor is a material that allows heat to flow through it easily. While metals are typically known for their excellent heat conductivity, there are a few non-metal materials that also exhibit decent heat conducting properties. One such example is graphite.

To determine the heat conductivity of a material, you can refer to a property called the thermal conductivity coefficient. It is typically measured in units of Watts per meter-Kelvin (W/m-K) and indicates how well a material can conduct heat. The higher the value, the better the heat conductivity.

You can find thermal conductivity values in reference materials or online databases specific to the material you are interested in. Some examples of commonly used materials and their approximate thermal conductivity coefficients (W/m-K) are:

1. Copper: 390
2. Aluminum: 205
3. Brass: 109
4. Steel: 50
5. Glass: 1
6. Concrete: 1-2
7. Wood: 0.03-0.2
8. Air: 0.02

Please note that these values are approximate and there can be variations depending on the specific composition and structure of the materials.

In summary, while metals are known for their high heat conductivity, other materials like graphite, ceramics, and certain polymers can also exhibit relatively good thermal conductivity. You can use thermal conductivity coefficients to compare the heat conductivity of different materials and determine which ones are suitable for specific applications.