The number of blocks has 9 in the ones place the number in the hundred place is one more than the number in the tens place those

two numbers equal 11 how many blocks are there?


To solve this problem, we need to break it down into steps.

Let's say the number in the ones place is represented by X.
Then, the number in the tens place would be X-1 (one less than X).
And the number in the hundreds place would be X + 1 (one more than X in the tens place).

The problem states that the number in the ones place has a 9. So, X = 9.

Now we can substitute X = 9 into our expressions:

Number in the tens place = X - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8
Number in the hundreds place = X + 1 = 9 + 1 = 10

The sum of the tens and hundreds place is given as 11:

8 + 10 = 11

But this equation is not true. So, there is no solution to this problem.