
The answer is -2/3

To find the value of b that satisfies the equation 1/b(2b-10) = 17, you followed the correct steps and arrived at the correct answer, which is -2/3.

Just to recap, here are the steps you took:

1. Multiply both sides of the equation by b to eliminate the denominator:
1/b * (2b - 10) = 17 * b

This simplifies to:
2b - 10 = 17b

2. Simplify the equation by combining like terms:
2b - 17b - 10 = 0

This simplifies to:
-15b - 10 = 0

3. Isolate the variable term (-15b) by adding 10 to both sides of the equation:
-15b - 10 + 10 = 0 + 10

This simplifies to:
-15b = 10

4. Solve for b by dividing both sides of the equation by -15:
-15b / -15 = 10 / -15

This simplifies to:
b = -2/3

So the solution to the equation 1/b(2b-10) = 17 is b = -2/3.