which Enlightenment thinker taught that life is "brutish" and societies need strong rulers?

a) Thomas Hobbes.
b) John Locke
c) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
d) Voltaire


I think John Locke but I'm not sure

a) Thomas Hobbes

Check the site I posted.

oppsss, yeah its A. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thomas hobbes

The Enlightenment thinker who believed that life is "brutish" and societies require strong rulers is Thomas Hobbes. To determine this, we can briefly look into the ideas and beliefs of each of the other thinkers mentioned.

John Locke argues for the concept of natural rights, emphasizing that individuals have the right to life, liberty, and property. He believed that people form governments to protect these rights and that the political power of rulers should be limited.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau advocated for the notion of the social contract, asserting that individuals should give up some of their rights in favor of a collective agreement to be governed by the general will of the people.

Voltaire, a prominent figure in the Enlightenment, advocated for religious tolerance, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state.

Given this examination, the correct answer is (a) Thomas Hobbes.