The salesperson ignored Lisa. He was helping an older customer.

Which sentence best combines the two sentences using a participial phrase?

A. Lisa was ignored by the salesperson as he helped an older customer
B. An older customer was being helped by the salesperson so he ignored Lisa.
C. The salesperson helped an older customer and ignored Lisa.
D. The salesperson, helping an older customer, ignored Lisa ••

Yes, D.

The correct answer is D. The salesperson, helping an older customer, ignored Lisa.

To arrive at the correct answer, we need to combine the two sentences using a participial phrase. A participial phrase is a phrase that begins with a participle and functions as an adjective, describing a noun or pronoun.

In this case, we want to describe the salesperson while also indicating that they were helping an older customer. So we can use the participial phrase "helping an older customer" to modify "the salesperson."

The correct answer, D, uses this participial phrase to combine the two sentences: "The salesperson, helping an older customer, ignored Lisa." This construction shows that the salesperson ignored Lisa while they were helping an older customer.