A restaurant offers seven different main courses,,eight types of drinks and four kind of desserts. How many different meal consisting of main course,a drink and a dessert does the restaurant offer?

what is

7x8x4 ?

To calculate the total number of different meals consisting of a main course, a drink, and a dessert, we will multiply the number of options for each category.

Number of main courses = 7
Number of drink types = 8
Number of dessert options = 4

Total number of meal options = Number of main courses × Number of drink types × Number of dessert options

Therefore, the restaurant offers 7 × 8 × 4 = 224 different meal options.

To find the total number of different meals consisting of a main course, a drink, and a dessert, you need to multiply the number of options for each category.

The restaurant offers:
- 7 different main courses
- 8 types of drinks
- 4 kinds of desserts

To calculate the total number of different meals, multiply these numbers together:

7(main courses) * 8(drinks) * 4(desserts) = 224

Therefore, the restaurant offers a total of 224 different meals consisting of a main course, a drink, and a dessert.