For what value of X can the expression Square root of 55X be further simplified?

you want 55x to be a perfect square

55 = 5*11
So, if x=55, 55x=55^2 = 3025
and the square root is 55

Any value of x that is 55 times a perfect square will also work.

The expression Square root of 55X can be further simplified if 55X is a perfect square. In other words, we need to find a value of X that, when multiplied by 55, gives a perfect square. To do this, we can factorize 55.

Factorizing 55:
55 = 5 * 11

To obtain a perfect square, we need both factors to be present in a pair. Since we only have a single 5 in the factorization, we cannot simplify the expression Square root of 55X any further. Therefore, there is no specific value of X that allows the expression to be simplified.

To determine the value of X for which the expression Square root of 55X can be further simplified, we need to find the largest perfect square that divides into 55.

First, let's find the prime factorization of 55:
55 = 5 * 11

Since there are no repeated factors, we can see that the largest perfect square that divides into 55 is 1.

Therefore, the expression Square root of 55X can be further simplified for any value of X.