Can you please verify if I did this problem correct. I need to solve for y and then X. Whatever the solution is, I should take the difference of the two numbers. Please let me know if this is correct...I thank you

8x -11y = 170
-6y + x = 49

8x -11y = 170
-11y = 170-8x
y = -15.45 + 72
Y = 56.55

8x - 11(56.55) = 170
8x -622.05 = 170
8x = 792.05
x = 99.00

x-y = 42.45
99.00 - 56.55 = 42.45

Nope. eq #2 is better to use to substitute. It says

x = 6y+49

So, use that in eq #1, and you have

8(6y+49)-11y = 170
48y+392-11y = 170
37y = -222
y = -6
x = 6y+49 = -36+49 = 13

So, where did you go wrong?

How did you make this step?

-11y = 170-8x
y = -15.45 + 72

what did you do with the 8x?

I find it better to use fractions in cases like this. Even better is when you can find a simple substitution as I did above.

To verify if your solution is correct, let's go through the steps together.

First, let's solve for y in the equation 8x - 11y = 170:

-11y = 170 - 8x
Dividing both sides by -11, we get:
y = (170 - 8x) / -11

Now let's substitute this value of y in the second equation -6y + x = 49:

-6((170 - 8x) / -11) + x = 49
Multiplying both sides by -6 and simplifying, we get:
(6x - 1020) / 11 + x = 49

Next, let's simplify the equation:
6x - 1020 + 11x = 539
17x - 1020 = 539
Adding 1020 to both sides:
17x = 1559
Dividing both sides by 17:
x = 1559/17
x ≈ 91.71

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find y:
y = (170 - 8(91.71)) / -11
y ≈ 57.97

Finally, let's calculate the difference between x and y:
x - y = 91.71 - 57.97
x - y ≈ 33.74

Therefore, the correct answer to the difference between x and y is approximately 33.74.

Please note that there might be rounding errors in the approximate values. Double-checking your calculations is always a good practice.