Could you check my answer please..thank you

Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?
A. Yesterday, Sarah experienced rock climbing for the first
B. Sarah seemed nervous at first.
C. She climbed very well for a beginner.
D. I think Sarah wants to go again.
Thank you

It is letter B-seemed. It links the subject Sarah to the adjective nervous. If you can replace the verb with an = sign or the words is/are, and have it mean almost the exact same thing, then it is a linking verb. A linking verb describes or renames the subject.

Nervous describes Sarah
Sarah is nervous-almost the same meaning as seemed, therefore it is a linking verb.

Of course! I'd be happy to help. To determine which of the sentences contains a linking verb, we need to understand what a linking verb is. A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject of a sentence to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes it.

Let's analyze each of the sentences:

A. "Yesterday, Sarah experienced rock climbing for the first time."
In this sentence, the verb "experienced" is not a linking verb because it does not connect the subject, Sarah, to a noun, pronoun, or adjective.

B. "Sarah seemed nervous at first."
Here, the verb "seemed" is a linking verb. It connects the subject, Sarah, to the adjective "nervous."

C. "She climbed very well for a beginner."
In this sentence, the verb "climbed" is an action verb that shows the action performed by the subject, so it is not a linking verb.

D. "I think Sarah wants to go again."
The verb "think" in this sentence is not a linking verb but an action verb because it shows the action of the speaker, "I."

So, out of the provided options, the sentence that contains a linking verb is B. "Sarah seemed nervous at first."

I hope this clarifies your answer! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

No, A doesn't have a linking verb in it. You can tell because the subject (Sarah) did the action (experienced).

In which of the other sentences is the verb linking the subject to an adjective?