On Monday the temp was 50 degrees. On Tuesday the temp increased by 22% what was the temp on Tuesday?

Please help!

50 * 1.22 = ?

Thank you!

You're welcome.

Who the hell are you Ms. Sue? Cause you really do not help anyone? Are you a teacher?

Ms. Sue

Where did you get the 1 from?

To find the temperature on Tuesday after it increased by 22%, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the initial temperature on Monday, which is 50 degrees.

2. Calculate 22% of the initial temperature. To do this, multiply the initial temperature by 0.22 (since 22% is equal to 0.22 as a decimal).

50 degrees * 0.22 = 11 degrees

3. Add the value obtained in step 2 to the initial temperature. This will give you the temperature on Tuesday after the increase.

50 degrees + 11 degrees = 61 degrees

Therefore, the temperature on Tuesday is 61 degrees.