(0.08b^{4m+8})\div (18b^{m−2})

this broil confuses me, can u guys plz show how its solved but not give me the answer


this one also stumped me i can't find any way to solve it can you guys show me how to do it and give me the answer it would be real help! :)

I don't know what you mean by "solve" it. It's just an expression. No equation.

= .08/18 b^(4m+8-(m-2))
= 1/225 b^(3m+10)

1/(1/5) m^(4-n) * 1/2 m^(n-6)
= 5/(2m^2)

sorry i meant to just show how its supposed to be soled

i meant simplify

Sure! I can explain how to solve the expression you provided without giving you the final answer.

To divide the given expression: (0.08b^(4m+8))/(18b^(m−2)), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the coefficients:
Divide the coefficient 0.08 by 18. To do this, divide both the numerator and denominator by 0.08's common factor. Simplifying the coefficient will help us write the expression in a simpler form.

Step 2: Simplify the variables:
To simplify the variables in the numerator and denominator, we need to apply the rule of exponents. When we divide two terms with the same base, we subtract their exponents.

In this case, we have b^(4m+8) in the numerator and b^(m−2) in the denominator. When we divide these two terms, we subtract their exponents: (4m+8) - (m-2). Simplifying the exponent will help us write the expression in a simplified form.

Step 3: Combine the simplified coefficients and variables:
Finally, once we have simplified the coefficients and the exponents separately, we can put them together to get the final simplified form of the expression.

By following these steps, we can simplify the given expression while understanding the process without immediately providing the answer.

for the first one is it
