Does anyone go to connections academy i have a Social Studies portfolio where it is the year 1783 and the revolutionary war is over and you have to pick a side patriot or loyalist then you have to answer 3 questions in your journel entry

1. what do you think the causes of the war were.
2. what impact has the war had on life in the colonies.
3. how do you think life wil be different in north america after british defeat.

please help i chose the side of patriot.

answers to the questions

1. I think the cause of the war is that king george the third didnt treat the colonist right by putting a bunch of taxes on them including taxes on tea,suger, and paper so the colonist started fighting the british to earn freedom.

2. The war has impacted life in the colonies greatly because now we dont have any taxes and we cant start a free country.

3. I am so glad that we won if british won the war we would still be under the british law and the United States Of America wouldn't be a country of freedom


As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or connections with individuals attending Connections Academy, but it is an online public school that serves students in grades K-12. Moving on to your Social Studies portfolio, here's how you can approach answering the three questions in your journal entry from the perspective of a Patriot:

1. Causes of the Revolutionary War:
To answer this question, you need to think about the underlying reasons that led to the conflict between the American colonies (including yourself as a Patriot) and the British Empire. Some possible causes include:
- Taxation without representation: The British government imposed several taxes on the colonies without allowing them to have a say in the decision-making process.
- Restrictive laws and acts: The British implemented various laws and acts, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, which limited colonial freedoms and increased their dependency on Britain.
- Tensions over governance: The colonists believed that they should have some degree of self-governance and not be subject to the rule of a distant parliament.

2. Impact of the Revolutionary War on life in the colonies:
Consider the significant changes that the Revolutionary War brought to the lives of the colonists and to the development of the United States. Some possible impacts include:
- Independence: The war ultimately resulted in the American colonies gaining independence from British rule, leading to the creation of the United States of America.
- Social and political changes: The war brought about a sense of unity among the colonists, allowing them to establish their own government and system of laws.
- Economic repercussions: The war affected trade and commerce, both positively and negatively, as the colonies had to build their own economy and establish new trade relationships.

3. Life in North America after British defeat:
Think about the potential changes and transformations that North America, specifically the newly formed United States, could experience following the British defeat. Some possible differences include:
- Establishment of a new government: The defeat of the British would allow the Patriots to establish their own government, potentially based on democratic principles.
- Increased freedoms and liberties: Without British control, North Americans would have more autonomy and freedom to govern themselves.
- Shaping a new nation: The defeat of the British could serve as a catalyst for the development of the United States as an independent nation, including the drafting of a constitution and the creation of a national identity.

Remember to structure your journal entry by introducing the topic, providing supporting evidence or examples, and concluding with your personal thoughts. Good luck with your portfolio project!

So -- what are your answers to these questions?

It would not be wise to copy someone else's answer.