How many inches represent 1 mile.


3/10 in = 7/8 mile

(3/10)/(7/8) x/1

(7/8)x = (3/10)

x = (3/10) / (7/8)

x = (3/10) * (8/7)

x = 24/70 = 12/35 inch

If you didn’t understand or want a different way to solve the question, use math soup and divide the fractions on the website.

To convert miles to inches, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units. In this case, the conversion factor is the number of inches in one mile.

To find the number of inches in one mile, you can use the fact that there are 12 inches in one foot and 5280 feet in one mile. By multiplying these two conversion factors together, you can determine the number of inches in one mile.

So, here's how you can do the calculation:
1 mile = 5280 feet (conversion factor)
1 foot = 12 inches (conversion factor)

Therefore, to find the number of inches in one mile:
1 mile = 5280 feet x 12 inches = 63360 inches

Therefore, there are 63,360 inches in one mile.