combine like terms:

a + 4 -2 +a
find out what a=

people i dont have forever

a + 4 -2 +a

2a + 2

We can't find the value of a because you haven't posted an equation.


2 a + 2

with what you wrote we can combine like terms, but with no equation we can not calculate a value for a

To combine like terms, you need to add or subtract the numbers that have the same variable. In this case, we have two terms with the variable "a".

The expression is: a + 4 - 2 + a

To combine the terms with "a", we add the coefficients: 1a + 1a, which gives us 2a.

The simplified expression is: 2a + 4 - 2

Now, we can combine the remaining numbers:

2a + 4 - 2 = 2a + 2

If you want to find out what a equals, you would need more information or another equation that relates to the value of a. Without further context or equations, we cannot determine the exact value of a.