Create an abstract representation of a mathematical relationship where one value varies directly with another. Include a line graph representing the linear relationship between the two values. On one end of the graph, show a point indicating a situation where y equals 25 when x equals -140. Then, along the same line, visualize another point signifying the corresponding value of y when x equals 36. Please ensure the image doesn't contain any text.

Suppose y varies directly with x, and y=25 when x=-140. What is the value of y when x=36


If there's no answer then wtf am i supposed to do....i cant just not select anything

ok so, damon isnt that far off hes actually more correct than wrong.

you start with the function form of a direct variation. y=kx
you substitute y with 25 and x with 140. 25=k(140)
then you divide each side by 140 to sold for k. 25/140=0.17
so the new equation is 0.17=k u then substitute 0.17 for k in y=kx
so now, y=0.17 then u have to the value of x when y = 36 so u make that an equation. y=0.17x(36)=6.17
in conclusion, there is no answer bc the question doesn't have the correct answer as an option. Plz tell me if I'm wrong. Thank you :)

The answer is 201.6

These are the answers!

I got 100% with these answers.

1. 21
2. 201.6
3. 3/4
4. 1/4
5. 200
Thank me later


The Mr. Worldwide himself is correct. the answer is 201.6.

AAAAAAYYYYOOOOOO i don't see the answer in my question fam, *smacks lips* man whats wrong ith you man

y = k x

25 = k (-140)
k = -5/28

y = k (36) = -(5/28)(36)

= - 5*9/7

= -6.43