Chapter 2 of the scarlet letter

What does this tell you about the puritan people?

"there appeared, in the first place, like a black shadow emerging into the sunshine, the grim and grisly presence of the town-beadle, with a sword by his side and his staff of office in his hand. This personage prefigured and represented in his aspect the whole dismal severity of the puritanic code of law"

Puritans = black shadow, grim, grisly, with a sword...

Not the kind of person you invite to a wedding or a birthday party.

To understand what Chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter tells us about the Puritan people, we need to analyze the passage you provided. In this excerpt, the town-beadle is described as a "grim and grisly" figure, carrying a sword and a staff of office. The passage suggests that the town-beadle embodies the strict and severe nature of the Puritan code of law.

To elaborate on what this tells us about the Puritan people, we can use the following steps to analyze the text:

1. Read the passage: Start by reading the excerpt and understanding the descriptions and actions mentioned. In this case, it describes the appearance of the town-beadle, his accessories, and his role.

2. Identify the characteristics: Pay attention to the adjectives used to describe the town-beadle, such as "grim and grisly." These words suggest a sense of foreboding and severity.

3. Consider the symbolism: Think about the symbolism behind the town-beadle's appearance. The fact that he emerges "like a black shadow" and carries a sword and a staff of office indicates authority and power. This power represents the strictness and unwavering nature of the Puritan code of law.

4. Relate it to the Puritans: Connect the characteristics of the town-beadle to the broader Puritan society. Consider the Puritan code of law, which was known for its harsh punishments and moral standards. The description of the town-beadle reflects the overarching atmosphere of strictness and severity within the Puritan community.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that Chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter suggests that the Puritan people were characterized by their strict adherence to moral codes and the severity of their legal system. The town-beadle serves as a symbol of this rigid society, reinforcing the idea that the Puritans lived in a society governed by harsh rules and a sense of moral righteousness.