Which is an impact of World War 1

A: German and Russian monarchies became stronger.
B: The united states became the largest creditor nation.
C: Europeans used their money to buy American goods.
D: France no longer had a demand for British goods.

My answer is B


That is correct, the impact of World War 1 was that the United States became the largest creditor nation. Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

World War 1 had a significant impact on global politics, economies, and societies. To determine which option is the correct impact, let's analyze each option one by one:

A: German and Russian monarchies became stronger.
This statement is incorrect. World War 1 had a profound effect on the German and Russian monarchies. In fact, the war led to the collapse of both the German and Russian monarchies.

B: The United States became the largest creditor nation.
This statement is correct. As World War 1 ravaged much of Europe, the United States, being geographically removed from the conflict, experienced economic growth. The US provided financial loans to several European countries for their war efforts, which resulted in them becoming the largest creditor nation.

C: Europeans used their money to buy American goods.
This statement is partly correct. During the war, many European countries faced economic difficulties and began importing goods from the United States. However, it is important to note that this impact was not as significant as the United States becoming the largest creditor nation.

D: France no longer had a demand for British goods.
This statement is incorrect. While World War 1 did disrupt trade between participating countries, there is no evidence to suggest that France no longer had a demand for British goods specifically.

So, after analyzing each option, the correct impact of World War 1 is indeed B: The United States became the largest creditor nation.