How do you check if the words exist in the sentence in Python?

So far I have got...

the_sentence = ("I love chocolate and chocolate loves me")
sentence = the_sentence.split()
sentence_1 = raw_input("Enter a word")
def "word":
if word in the_sentence:
print "Yes"
elif word not in the_sentence:
print "Nope"


To check if a word exists in a sentence in Python, you can use the `in` operator. Here is how you can modify your code to achieve this:

the_sentence = "I love chocolate and chocolate loves me"
sentence = the_sentence.split()

# Take user input for the word
word = input("Enter a word: ")

if word in sentence:
print("Yes, the word exists in the sentence.")
print("No, the word does not exist in the sentence.")

In this code, the `split()` function is used on the sentence to split it into a list of words. Then, the user input is stored in the `word` variable. The `in` operator is used to check if the `word` exists in the `sentence` list. If it does, "Yes, the word exists in the sentence." will be printed; otherwise, "No, the word does not exist in the sentence." will be printed.

To check if specific words exist in a sentence in Python, you can follow these steps:

1. Assign the sentence to a variable:
the_sentence = "I love chocolate and chocolate loves me"

2. Split the sentence into individual words using the `split()` function:
sentence = the_sentence.split()

3. Ask the user to enter a word using the `input()` function:
word = input("Enter a word: ")

4. Use an `if-else` statement or `in` keyword to check if the word exists in the sentence:
if word in sentence:

Putting it all together, the code would look like this:

the_sentence = "I love chocolate and chocolate loves me"
sentence = the_sentence.split()

word = input("Enter a word: ")

if word in sentence:

Now, when you run the code and enter a word, it will tell you whether that word exists in the given sentence.