If rain is falling at a rate of 2.61 inches per hour, how much rain would you expect after 4.5 hours?

(Express your answer rounded correctly to the nearest tenth of an inch.)

This is wrong guy!!!!

To calculate the amount of rain expected after 4.5 hours, we can multiply the rate of rainfall (2.61 inches per hour) by the number of hours (4.5). This will give us the total amount of rain in inches.

Mathematically, we can express this as:

Total rain = Rate of rainfall x Number of hours

Total rain = 2.61 inches/hour x 4.5 hours

Now, let's calculate the amount of rain:

Total rain = 11.745 inches

Rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch, the expected amount of rain after 4.5 hours would be approximately 11.7 inches.

4.5 * 2.61 = _______ inches

multiply 2.61*4.5 and round to the tenths. There are 10 tenths in a n inch I believe. Sorry if I didn't help.