once you find the voume in cubic inches, how do you convert to cubic feet?


use dimensional analysis,so..1ft/12in

1 foot(imagine a line for the
if xin^3* 12in^3 between the ft and
in I don't know how to
put it in the computer)
You have to cube the entire ratio because the initial unit of the inches is cube meaning it's really

To convert a volume from cubic inches to cubic feet, you'll need to divide the volume in cubic inches by the conversion factor of 1,728.

The reason for this conversion is because there are 12 inches in a foot, so converting inches to feet requires dividing by 12. Since we are dealing with volume (which has three dimensions), we need to divide by 12 three times (12 x 12 x 12 = 1,728).

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

1. Start with the volume you have in cubic inches. Let's say you have a volume of 5,000 cubic inches.

2. Divide the volume in cubic inches by the conversion factor of 1,728.
For example: 5,000 cubic inches ÷ 1,728 = 2.89 cubic feet

So, in this case, the volume of 5,000 cubic inches is equal to 2.89 cubic feet.

Remember to keep the appropriate units consistent throughout your calculations, to avoid any confusion or errors.