If I spent 1/3 of my money on a pen and 4/7 on books how much do I have left?

1/3 = 7/21

4/7 = 12/21

21/21 - 19/21 = 2/21

1. Convert the two functions so that they have common denominators.

2. Add the two fractions.

3. Subtract the sum of the two fractions from one, (preferably the fractional form of one derived from the step one.)

4. Simplify, if possible.

Good answer, David, and better than mine. Sometimes I get lazy and just give a math answer.

To solve this problem, we need to determine the remaining fraction of money after spending 1/3 on a pen and 4/7 on books.

First, let's find the fraction of money spent on the pen:
1/3 x 1 = 1/3

Next, let's find the fraction of money spent on books:
4/7 x 1 = 4/7

Now, we can find the fraction of money remaining by subtracting the fractions spent from 1 whole (or 1/1):
1/1 - 1/3 - 4/7 = 7/7 - 3/7 - 4/7 = (7 - 3 - 4)/7 = 0/7 = 0

Therefore, you have no money left after spending 1/3 on a pen and 4/7 on books.