A school has 250 children, Eighty are boys. What percentage are girls?

250 - 80 = 170

100(170/250) = _______%

250 - 80 = 170 girls

(170/250)100 = ?



To find the percentage of girls in the school, we first need to determine the number of girls.

We know that there are a total of 250 children in the school and 80 of them are boys. So, to find the number of girls, we subtract the number of boys from the total number of children:

Number of girls = Total number of children - Number of boys
Number of girls = 250 - 80
Number of girls = 170

Now, to calculate the percentage of girls, we divide the number of girls by the total number of children and multiply by 100:

Percentage of girls = (Number of girls / Total number of children) * 100
Percentage of girls = (170 / 250) * 100
Percentage of girls = 0.68 * 100
Percentage of girls = 68%

Therefore, 68% of the children in the school are girls.