can i get the working for the question damon you lost me at 3.25*360=?


Multiply 3.25 by 360.

do u have to add 90 to it


ok thx


can u help with the next one

Certainly! To find the answer to the question "3.25 multiplied by 360," you will need to perform a multiplication operation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the multiplication problem:
3.25 * 360

Step 2: Multiply the whole number part by the whole number part:
3 * 360 = 1080

Step 3: Multiply the decimal part by the whole number part:
0.25 * 360 = 90

Step 4: Add the results from step 2 and step 3 together:
1080 + 90 = 1170

So, the answer to the question "3.25 multiplied by 360" is 1170.