If you do percent error and you come up with about 70% error, would this method of testing be considered valid? Why or why not?

I don't understand an actual reason to use.

To determine whether a method of testing is considered valid or not based on a percent error of about 70%, we need to understand what percent error represents and what are acceptable ranges of error in different contexts.

Percent error is a measure that compares the difference between an estimated value and an actual value, expressed as a percentage of the actual value. It is commonly used in scientific experiments to evaluate the accuracy of measurements or experimental results.

In general, the lower the percent error, the more accurate the measurement or experimental result is considered to be. However, what is deemed an acceptable range of error can vary depending on the specific context. For example, in some experiments or industries, a percent error of less than 5% might be considered acceptable, while in other cases, a higher percent error may still be considered valid.

To determine whether a method of testing with a 70% error is valid, you would need to consider several factors:

1. Context: You should consider the specific field, experiment, or industry in which the testing is being conducted. Different fields have different levels of acceptable error, and what might be acceptable in one context might not be acceptable in another.

2. Standards or guidelines: Evaluate whether there are any established standards or guidelines for acceptable levels of error in the specific context. Consult relevant sources such as scientific literature, industry regulations, or expert opinions to gain a better understanding of what is considered acceptable.

3. Impact of the error: Assess the potential impact of the error on the purpose or conclusion of the testing. If the error significantly affects the reliability, accuracy, or validity of the results, it may render the method of testing less valid. However, if the error is within an acceptable range and does not compromise the overall significance of the results, the method may still be considered valid.

It's important to note that a 70% error is generally considered quite high, and it is less likely to be considered acceptable in most scientific or industrial contexts. However, without specific information about the nature of the testing, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.

In summary, whether a method of testing with a 70% error would be considered valid depends on the specific context, established standards, and the impact of the error on the results. It is recommended to consult relevant sources and experts in the field to determine the acceptability of such a high level of error.