Water covers approximately 11,800 mi^2 of Florida,which is about 18% of Florida's area.what is the total are if Florida to the nearest. Thousand suare miles?

.18x = 11800

love your capitalization and punctuation and spelling. <not>

To find the total area of Florida, we can use the given information that water covers approximately 18% of Florida's area, which is approximately 11,800 mi^2.

Let's represent the total area of Florida as "x". We know that 18% of x is equal to 11,800 mi^2.

Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

0.18x = 11,800

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.18:

x = 11,800 / 0.18

Calculating this, we find:

x ≈ 65,555.56 mi^2

Rounding this value to the nearest thousand square miles gives us the final answer:

The total area of Florida is approximately 65,000 square miles.