How did the Shinto belief system develop in early Japan?

A. Clans erected shrines to worship their ancestors.
B. Buddhist ideas evolved into Shinto beliefs.
C. Warriors built shrines to remember fallen comrades
D. Clans honored powerful natural spirits and gods.

Is the answer D?
Thank you

I think you're right, but double check your text to be sure.

Yes, the answer is D. Clans honored powerful natural spirits and gods. The Shinto belief system developed in early Japan through the honoring of powerful natural spirits and gods by clans. Shinto is an indigenous religion of Japan, and its origins can be traced back to ancient times when early Japanese society was organized into clans. These clans believed in the existence of kami, which are divine spirits or deities that resided in various natural elements like mountains, rivers, and trees. They revered these kami and built shrines to honor and worship them. This practice eventually evolved into the religious tradition known as Shinto.