Whete do you put the parenthesis in problem :50/10+10/2=5

To solve the problem (50/10) + (10/2) = 5, you would place the parentheses around the first division operation 50/10 and the second division operation 10/2.

To determine where to place the parentheses in the problem 50/10+10/2=5, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS).

The order of operations states that we should perform operations inside parentheses first, followed by exponents (or powers), then multiplication and division (from left to right), and finally addition and subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break down the problem and apply the order of operations:

50/10 + 10/2 = 5

First, we have two divisions to perform: 50/10 and 10/2.

50/10 = 5
10/2 = 5

By substituting these values back into the equation, we get:

5 + 5 = 5

Since we only have addition left, we can simply add the two numbers together:

5 + 5 equals 10.

Therefore, the answer to the problem 50/10+10/2=5 is 10.

In this case, there is no need for parentheses because all the operations can be performed from left to right according to the order of operations.

5(0/10)+10/2=5 works:)