A 512-page book has pages 7 inches wide by 9 inches high. The printed area measures 5.375 inches by 7.75 inches. The left margin is 0.3125 inches and the top margin is 0.5625 inches How wide are the margins at the right of each page? How wide are the margins at the bottom of each page?

7-5.375 = 1.625 for left and right margins

1.625 - .3125 = 1.3125 for right margin

do the vertical problem the same way

To find the width of the margins at the right of each page, we need to subtract the width of the printed area and the left margin from the width of the page.

Let's assume that the width of the page is W inches.

- Width of the printed area = 5.375 inches
- Left margin = 0.3125 inches

To find the right margin, we can use the following formula:
Right margin = Width of the page - Width of the printed area - Left margin

Right margin = W - 5.375 - 0.3125

Next, let's find the width of the page:

The printed area width and the left and right margin widths sum up to the page's width. So we have:
W = Width of the printed area + Left margin + Right margin

We know that the width of the printed area is 5.375 inches and the left margin is 0.3125 inches. Rearranging the formula:

W = 5.375 + 0.3125 + Right margin

Now, combining the two equations:

W = W - 5.375 - 0.3125 + 5.375 + 0.3125 + Right margin

Simplifying the equation:

0 = 0 + Right margin

Therefore, the right margin is 0 inches.

Now, let's find the width of the margins at the bottom of each page.
To find the bottom margin, we need to subtract the height of the printed area and the top margin from the height of the page.

Let's assume that the height of the page is H inches.

- Height of the printed area = 7.75 inches
- Top margin = 0.5625 inches

To find the bottom margin, we can use the following formula:
Bottom margin = Height of the page - Height of the printed area - Top margin

Bottom margin = H - 7.75 - 0.5625

Next, let's find the height of the page:

The printed area height and the top and bottom margin heights sum up to the page's height. So we have:
H = Height of the printed area + Top margin + Bottom margin

We know that the height of the printed area is 7.75 inches and the top margin is 0.5625 inches. Rearranging the formula:

H = 7.75 + 0.5625 + Bottom margin

Now, combining the two equations:

H = H - 7.75 - 0.5625 + 7.75 + 0.5625 + Bottom margin

Simplifying the equation:

0 = 0 + Bottom margin

Therefore, the bottom margin is 0 inches.