A pitcher throws a fastball to a catcher. assume the speed of the ball does not change

Which player exerys the larger impulse on the ball
Which player exerts the larger force on the ball?

When a pitcher throws a fastball to a catcher, both players exert a force on the ball. However, to determine which player exerts a larger impulse and which player exerts a larger force on the ball, we need to understand the concepts of impulse and force.

Impulse is the change in momentum of an object and is defined as the product of force and time. When a force is applied to an object for a certain amount of time, it results in a change in the object's momentum. Therefore, to calculate the impulse, you need to know the force exerted on the object and the time for which the force is applied.

Force, on the other hand, is the push or pull that one object exerts on another. It is defined as the rate of change of momentum of an object. Force is measured in newtons (N) and can be calculated by dividing the change in momentum by the time interval over which the change occurs.

Now, to answer your question:

1. Which player exerts the larger impulse on the ball?
To determine the impulse exerted by each player, you need to know the force applied by each player and the time interval for which the force is applied. In the context of pitching a fastball, the pitcher exerts a force on the ball during the throwing motion. The catcher, on the other hand, receives the ball and brings it to rest within a short time interval. Therefore, the catcher exerts a larger impulse on the ball because the ball undergoes a greater change in momentum when it is caught.

2. Which player exerts the larger force on the ball?
The force exerted by each player directly depends on the time interval over which the force is applied. During a pitch, the pitcher applies a force to propel the ball forward. The catcher, upon catching the ball, applies a force to bring the ball to rest. Since the catcher brings the ball to rest over a short time interval, the force required to do so is larger compared to the force exerted by the pitcher during the throwing motion. Therefore, the catcher exerts a larger force on the ball.

In summary, when a pitcher throws a fastball, the catcher exerts a larger impulse and a larger force on the ball compared to the pitcher.