1) Why was the Department of Defense created?

A) to place the U.S. Army and Navy in one executive department
B) to establish a military chain of command
C) to end disagreements between the U.S. Army and Navy
D) to lessen the instance of military abuse of power**

2) Which of the following reasons caused a decrease in the size of the armed forces at the end of the Cold War?
A) lower taxes led to cuts in the armed forces
B) The U.S. promised to decrease its armed forces as part of the peacetime agreement
C) A large military was no longer necessary
D) The DHS took over as the head of armed forces and intelligence agencies***

3) How does the Office of the Director of National Intelligence improve the functioning of the country's intelligence agencies?
A) It operates independently from the president
B) It reports directly to Congress
C) It facilitates strong communication
D) It allows the intelligence agencies to specialize in certain fields***

The correct answers were:

1) A
2) C
3) C

I disagree with your first two answers. Your third answer appears to be correct.

1) The correct answer is A) to place the U.S. Army and Navy in one executive department.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the historical context behind the creation of the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense was created in 1947 with the passing of the National Security Act. Prior to this, the United States had separate military departments for the Army and Navy, which sometimes led to disagreements and inefficiencies.

The primary purpose of creating the Department of Defense was to consolidate the management and coordination of the nation's military forces. By placing the U.S. Army and Navy within one executive department, it aimed to improve cooperation and coordination between the branches of the military. This helped streamline decision-making, resource allocation, and overall efficiency in military operations.

2) The correct answer is C) A large military was no longer necessary.

To determine the answer, we need to consider the context of the end of the Cold War. The Cold War, which took place from the late 1940s to the early 1990s, was a period of intense competition and tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. It involved a significant buildup of military forces on both sides.

However, with the conclusion of the Cold War, the geopolitical landscape shifted dramatically. The Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, and the nature of global security changed. The United States and its allies no longer faced a direct military threat on the same scale as during the Cold War.

As a result, there was a reassessment of national security priorities. The belief was that a large military force was no longer necessary, given the absence of a major global adversary. Therefore, the size of the armed forces decreased as a reflection of this new reality.

3) The correct answer is C) It facilitates strong communication.

To understand how the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) improves the functioning of the country's intelligence agencies, we need to consider its purpose and role.

The ODNI was established in 2004 as a response to the intelligence shortcomings leading up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Its main objective is to ensure effective coordination and integration of intelligence efforts among the various agencies and departments of the U.S. government.

One of the key ways the ODNI achieves this is by facilitating strong communication. It acts as a central point of contact and coordination between different intelligence agencies, fostering information sharing and collaboration. By improving communication and coordination, the ODNI helps ensure that intelligence agencies work together more efficiently and effectively.

While the ODNI does have a role in reporting to Congress and promoting strong communication, the specialization of intelligence agencies in certain fields is not a core function of the ODNI. Therefore, the correct answer is not D) It allows the intelligence agencies to specialize in certain fields.