An automobile assembly runs for 9 3/4 hours each day. Workers work 3/4 hours shifts. How many shifts are in each day? i put 9 3/4 divided by 3/4. But that's a decimal then i tried 3/4 divided by 3/4 but thats worse. Help me please.

The answers are

i promise it is for connexous 100%

9 3/4 = 39/4

39/4 / 3/4 = 39/4 * 4/3

= 39/3

= 13

Thanks peppa pig I got a hundred

how is it 13 shifts

tysm i have been stuck on this test for 40 mins

B c c b d answer's

It is called math my child.

To calculate the number of shifts in each day, we need to divide the total duration of the assembly run (9 3/4 hours) by the length of each shift (3/4 hours).

To divide mixed numbers, we need to convert them to improper fractions. The mixed number 9 3/4 can be written as the improper fraction (9*4 + 3)/4 = 39/4.

So, we have:

Number of shifts = (Total duration of assembly run) ÷ (Length of each shift)
= (39/4) ÷ (3/4)

When dividing fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. Therefore:

Number of shifts = (39/4) × (4/3)

Now, we can cancel out the common factor of 4 in the numerator and the denominator:

Number of shifts = (39/1) × (1/3) = 39/3

Dividing 39 by 3, we get:

Number of shifts = 13

So, there are 13 shifts in each day of the automobile assembly.

Peppa pig is right thank you :3