a company maintain its employee details like:

name,number,year of join,age,type of job,monthly salary.
-find the employee with highest and lowest salary.
-find the employee with 2nd highest in the year of experience.
-check weather any employee had joined in 2000.

To find the employee with the highest and lowest salary, follow these steps:

1. Start by initializing two variables, max_salary and min_salary, to store the highest and lowest salaries, respectively. Set both variables to a very low initial value.
2. Iterate through each employee's details.
3. Compare the monthly salary of each employee with the current maximum salary. If the current salary is higher, update the max_salary variable with the new highest salary.
4. Similarly, compare the monthly salary of each employee with the current minimum salary. If the current salary is lower, update the min_salary variable with the new lowest salary.
5. After iterating through all the employee details, you will have the highest and lowest salary values stored in the max_salary and min_salary variables. You can then find the employee(s) with these salaries by referring back to the employee details.

To find the employee with the second-highest year of experience, follow these steps:

1. Start by initializing two variables, max_experience and second_max_experience, to store the highest and second highest years of experience, respectively. Set both variables to a very low initial value.
2. Iterate through each employee's details.
3. Compare the year of join of each employee with the current maximum year of experience. If the current year of join is higher, update the max_experience variable with the new highest year.
4. If the year of join of an employee is not the highest but higher than the current second_max_experience, update the second_max_experience variable with the new value.
5. After iterating through all the employee details, you will have the highest and second highest years of experience stored in the max_experience and second_max_experience variables. You can then find the employee(s) with the second highest year of experience by referring back to the employee details.

To check if any employee joined in the year 2000, follow these steps:

1. Iterate through each employee's details.
2. Check the year of join for each employee.
3. If any employee's year of join matches 2000, then you can conclude that an employee joined in 2000.

Remember to implement these steps in your programming language of choice and adapt the code to the structure and format of your employee details.