When added the square root of 25 and -9 which type of number is the sum?

Are you sure you mean sqrt(-9) ???

That is an imaginary number.

Maybe you mean sqrt (25-9) = sqrt (16)
which is 4 which is a whole number and an integer

I think they want me to take the square root of 25 (which is 5) and add -9 which becomes -4.

So is -4 a whole number, integer, radical?
I know it isn't irrational

I just did the test here are the answers :D

3. 1.3 (D)
4. 10 ft (B)
5. 27 (D)
6. Integer (A)
7. 6/7 (C)
8. 4ft (B)
9. 5.3 (B)
10. Riley (C)
11. 0.123123...(C)
12. 13ft (B)
13. 29 (B)
14. Every rational number can be written as a fraction (C)
1,2,15,16,17,18, On your own

Hey! I’m late but the answer is integer.

I said the answer as is. They want to know what type of number you get when you add the square root of 25 and -9.

sorry I don't understand this stuff

I really need help with this question too, its the only one I cannot figure out on my math test ;-;

yo i think they found Tasha's cheat answers cause im doing my test rn and some of the questions are different

This is so confusing

5 + sqrt -9

5 + 3 sqt(-1)
5 + 3 i

I don't understand :(