2. Take a look at this rock in this picture. It looks like an elephant drinking water. What is this one called? - It is called elephant Rock.

3. This is a postbox, which is below/under the marker. People can send letters to the residents and police officers on Dokdo. What's the zip code for Dokdo? -It's 799-805.
(Would you check the passages? In #3, do we have to use 'below' or 'under'?)

These are fine.

Either below or under works well.

I think either is acceptable. I prefer "below".

To answer your question, let's break it down:

2. To identify the name of the rock in the picture that resembles an elephant drinking water, you mentioned it is called Elephant Rock. Since you provided the name already, there is no further explanation needed.

3. In the context of the description, it seems that the postbox is situated in a position that is physically lower than or beneath the marker. Therefore, using the word "below" would be more suitable in this context to describe the positioning of the postbox relative to the marker.

Regarding the zip code for Dokdo, you mentioned it is 799-805. To obtain the zip code for Dokdo, you would typically need to refer to a reliable source, such as an official website or postal service provider in the region. It's important to note that zip codes can change over time, so it's always best to consult up-to-date information from a credible source.