Asha's height was 1Cm 23 Cm on her birthday .in 4Years her height increased by 21 Cm . what was her height on her 10 th birthday .

Did you mean 1 m , 23 cm?

which is 123 cm

adding 21 cm gives her 144 cm
(tall 10 year old girl, did I mis-read your question?)

Asha's height was 1 m 23 cm on her 6th birthday. In 4 years, her height increased by 21 cm. Wheight on her 10th birthday?

solve story sums Asha's height was 1 m 23 cm on her 6th birthday. In 4 years, her height increased by 21 cm. what was her height on her 10th birthday?

To calculate Asha's height on her 10th birthday, we need to know her height on her 6th birthday. We can find her height on her 6th birthday by subtracting the increase in height over 4 years from her height on her 10th birthday.

Let's begin by identifying the information we have:

- Asha's height was 1 cm 23 cm on her birthday.
- In 4 years, her height increased by 21 cm.

First, let's convert the height of 1 cm 23 cm to centimeters only.

1 cm 23 cm = 1 cm + 23 cm = 24 cm.

Next, we calculate Asha's height on her 6th birthday:

Height on 6th birthday = Height on 10th birthday - Increase in height over 4 years.

Height on 6th birthday = 24 cm - 21 cm = 3 cm.

Therefore, Asha's height on her 6th birthday was 3 cm.

Now, since we've determined her height on her 6th birthday, we can calculate her height on her 10th birthday.

Height on 10th birthday = Height on 6th birthday + Increase in height over 4 years.

Height on 10th birthday = 3 cm + 21 cm = 24 cm.

Therefore, Asha's height on her 10th birthday was 24 cm.