equivalent expressions that can be used to find the final price of an item costing g dollars that is on sale for 15% off and charged 7% sales tax.?

To find the final price of an item costing g dollars on sale for 15% off and with an additional 7% sales tax, you can use the following equivalent expressions:

1. First, calculate the sale price by subtracting the discount from the original price:
Sale price = g - (15/100) * g
= g - 0.15 * g
= g(1 - 0.15)
= 0.85g

2. Next, calculate the amount of sales tax by multiplying the sale price by the tax rate:
Sales tax = (7/100) * (0.85g)
= 0.07 * 0.85g
= 0.0595g

3. Finally, add the sales tax to the sale price to get the final price:
Final price = Sale price + Sales tax
= 0.85g + 0.0595g
= 0.9095g

Therefore, the equivalent expressions to find the final price of an item costing g dollars that is on sale for 15% off and charged 7% sales tax are:
- 0.85g + 0.0595g
- 0.9095g

To find the final price of an item that is on sale for 15% off and subject to a 7% sales tax, we can use the following equivalent expressions:

1. Method 1: Calculate sale price first, then add sales tax
- Calculate the sale price by subtracting 15% of the original price from the original price: Sale Price = Original Price - (15% * Original Price)
- Add the sales tax to the sale price by multiplying the sale price by 7% and adding the result: Final Price = Sale Price + (7% * Sale Price)

2. Method 2: Calculate sales tax first, then subtract the discount
- Calculate the sales tax by multiplying the original price by 7%: Sales Tax = 7% * Original Price
- Subtract the sales tax from the original price to get the taxable amount: Taxable Amount = Original Price - Sales Tax
- Calculate the discount amount by multiplying the taxable amount by 15%: Discount Amount = 15% * Taxable Amount
- Subtract the discount amount from the taxable amount to get the sale price: Sale Price = Taxable Amount - Discount Amount
- Add the sales tax to the sale price by multiplying the sale price by 7% and adding the result: Final Price = Sale Price + (7% * Sale Price)

Both methods will give you the same final price. Choose the method that you find more convenient or easier to understand.

P = 0.85g + 0.07*0.85g = 0.91g.